Overcoming Fear

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My personal experience: Ero Merkati  Positive dog trainer 

Leon, is a german shepard, who at age 3 ½ months,experienced a very traumatic encounter. While walking with kim his mother/owner, on a leash, leon was attacked by a very big and aggressive dog. Thankfully, a good samaritan’s quick thinking saved leon’s life. However, poor leon was left with a lot of fear that turned into aggression. For example, every time kim took leon for a walk on a leash, and, another dog would go by, leon would go crazy. And kim could not control him. To top it off leon could not bare to go thru his apartment’s main entrance. Kim could not take leon’s aggression anymore, the uncontrollable barking and behavior not only upset kim and her 2 small children, but, also disturbed everyone in the their apartment building.

Kim was given my name by a friend. I went to asses what type of relationship had been established between kim and leon, along with assessing their environment. Then i asked kim to go about her and leon’s daily routine. I realized that not only did leon have a problem, but, kim was very stressed out. She had hired different trainers that used the old fashion way of trying to correct leon’s problem. Not only did the old fashion way not help leon at all. The trainers had made leon’s problem worse. Kim had lost hope, that nothing and on one could help leon. I told kim that the positive reinforcement method would be the only thing that could help leon. Aggression is a learned or environmentally conditioned behavior i believe, that can be helped/taken care of through proper desensitizing experiences. I felt leon was stressed out and very scared. My first step was to accompany kim and leon while they went for their daily walk. Well, i saw a thick choker collar with metal spikes. resting on a chair by leon. I suggested to kim that that she could wear the choker with “spikes” and leon could wear a regular collar, spikeless mind you. Upon leaving kim’s apartment we came onto the elevator, just the mere sight of the elevator, threw leon into an aggressive uncontrollable barking fit. Once we reached the ground floor and opened up the elevator to head for the front door, leon’s behavior and barking became even more aggressive. the walk was another story, every time leon happened upon another dog on a leash in the street, he would pull forcefully and bark endlessly.


The next time i went to visit leon and kim, we used treats and as we left the apartment to go on the elevator, i started giving leon treats along with positive words in a very calm way. In order to take his mind of his usual feelings he was accustomed to experiencing. This seemed to work for leon. On our walk every time we saw a dog on a leash from far away, i would start giving him treats along with kind positive words, in a calm voice. This seemed to also work for leon. on the way into the apartment building, i noticed a floor length mirror. So every time leon would see his reflection he would think it was another dog. I decided to keep him in the front entrance, i sat on the first step of the stairs. i continued to give him treats , along with talking calmly and positively. I started to stroke leon from head to tail in a very gentle manner, along with rubbing his chest and stomach area. Leon reacted by lying down and relaxing in the area that used to really upset him. I continued to visit leon everyday, and followed the same routine for a period of 10 days. by this time leon over came his fear of the mirror, the elevator, and building in general. Regarding his aggression with other dogs on leashes, i brought my own dog/helper “frosty”. Frosty is a very calm and friendly dog. We started out slowly by walking past leon on a leash with kim approximately 30 ft. away. While all the time kim was feeding leon treats. Frosty and i would get closer and closer walking by leon and kim everyday. Then it happened, one particular session frosty and i met at leon’s and kim’s house and all four of us went for a long walk, all the while leon receiving treats and positive reinforcement. Since this time leon has been nothing but a loving non aggressive dog and kim is not stressed out anymore regarding leon.


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